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Unique Organics Haircare

40 Ingredients Alopecia Hair Oil

40 Ingredients Alopecia Hair Oil

Regular price $16.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $16.00 USD
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2 oz
Unique Organics Ayurvedic Alopecia Oil is infused with over 40 herbs, essential oils and carrier oils that stop hair loss due to alopecia and promote growth. If you've lost your edges due to chemicals such as perms or relaxers and tight hairstyles, our alopecia hair oil will help fill in those spots. Included in this organic hair oil blend are the following herbs: Aloe Vera, Amla, Bhringraj, Brahmi, Fenugreeek, Marshmallow Root, Horsetail and Nettle. As well as Pumpkin Seed Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil, Egyptian Black Seed Oil, Peppermint, Lavender, Tea Tree, Rosemary and Clary Sage. Grow your hair back with our Alopecia Hair Growth Oil. This is an amazing hair growth oil to get your hair oil business started. This oil has over 300 5 star reviews. If you are a hair stylist and have clients who suffer from alopecia, this oil can help them.
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